Carbon dioxide
O2 Oxygen

The Seamulation is made possible by: Rugvin | Joe Merino & NOMAXX.

Wave's knowledge:

When a whale (a sperm whale in this instance) swims up from the deep sea to the water surface, we call it the whale pump. During this process, nutrient particles such as nitrogen are released at the surface. These then become available for phytoplankton and small animals to use.

Wave's knowledge:

When a whale (a sperm whale in this instance) swims up from the deep sea to the water surface, we call it the whale pump. During this process, nutrient particles such as nitrogen are released at the surface. These then become available for phytoplankton and small animals to use.

Wave's knowledge:

Krill consistst of very small animals that live in the sea. They are usually no bigger than your index finger. Yet they are important for life underwater.